Friable Thoughts

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Plaintiff's Lawyers Complaining About Frivolous Lawsuits? Hell Hath Frozen Over

It seems that asbestos plaintiff's lawyers aren't too thrilled with silica plaintiff's lawyers trying to muscle in on their racket. So much so that California asbestos plaintiff's lawyers are complaining about shady doctors and mass screenings. And, they got the California courts to agree with them.

Also, the silicosis plaintiff's lawyers are taking it on the chin in Texas. What with plaintiff's doctors basically admitting their diagnosis are questionable, one wonders why someone hasn't taken them to task in the asbestos world.

This also points to the major challenge for any medical criteria for asbestos cases. If doctors are corruptible, there need to be sufficient safeguards for medical criteria to be effective. Determining who would be "impaired" may also be as messy and expensive as it is now.

But, for now, I'll just be amused at hearing asbestos plaintiff's lawyers complaining about shady doctors and questionable medical diagnosis. Not that any of them ever use such doctors or use such dianogsis, no?


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